HOYTS Cinemas Western Australia
When HOYTS Rewards was awarded ‘Loyalty Programmes National Winner’ in the Australian Marketing Institute’s 2012 Marketing Excellence competition, the fantastic teamwork of Hoyts, Vista and Movio was truly evident!
Hoyts is the largest single-brand movie exhibitor in Australasia with more than 50 cinemas, 400 screens and 75, 000 seats.
This level of operation requires constant ‘feeding’, which is the rationale behind ‘HOYTS Rewards’, the company’s premium loyalty programme and a significant profit centre for the Group. Rewards offers a broad range of exclusive discounts and offers to over 400, 000 active members who represent over 25% of the company’s transactions.
This incredibly successful programme (that resulted in the 2012 win!) came about through the installation of Vista, including its Loyalty module, and later working hand in hand with another Vista Group company, Movio.
The system was implemented and rolled out across Hoyts operations over the next year.
The team at Hoyts together with Vista then begin developing a revolutionary loyalty programme, which unlike any others in the market, delivered a large number of membership benefits for an annual paid membership fee. Members could ‘earn and burn’ points, accruing them from transactions and spending them on concessions and admissions.
The engine that was built in Vista allowed us to scope a programme with the features and benefits we knew would be compelling to guests, and which captured the data we needed to be successful; the full transactional record.
Alison Deboo, Head of Loyalty at HOYTS CinemasThen enter Movio, the dynamic and very responsive cinema marketing data analysis and campaign management tool, developed by another team of ‘cinema technology stars’ who are part of the Vista Group.
Movio added a whole new level of mind-boggling database management that integrated with Vista Loyalty to provide real-time, authoritative analysis of loyalty and customer transaction activity. This synergy of systems allowed Hoyts to truly unlock the data Vista was capturing.
Movio took the core business rules built into Vista and enabled us to dynamically and rapidly get a sense of our members and their behaviours so that we could tailor offers and campaigns. This was our first foray into CRM where we knew who people were, knew how they behaved, and could extend tailored, one-to-one offers to motivate their behavior to drive profit.
Alison Deboo, Head of Loyalty at HOYTS CinemasPerhaps even more valuable, the loyalty programme doesn’t require a large number of staff to execute very quickly. In fact, just two full-time employees manage the 400, 000+ database, sending out up to 10 campaigns per week, a previously unimaginable task.
And as a web-based tool, Movio needs very little support from Hoyts’ IT staff.
Hoyts can now implement high-integrity one-on-one marketing, with tailored offerings to targeted groups, as well as to control groups for behaviour comparisons. All data is camped and compared to other campaigns to measure effectiveness.
And the future looks just as bright. Movio and Vista are both trusted members of the Hoyts team, providing constant information about global trends in the industry, as well as the ideas and technology that allows Hoyts to maintain its award-winning edge.
About HOYTS Cinema
From its small beginnings HOYTS Cinemas has become one of the world’s leading corporations. HOYTS Australia and New Zealand owns and operates 43 cinemas with over 400 screens and more than 75, 000 seats. HOYTS Cinemas are located in New South Wales, Victoria, Australian Capital Territory, South Australia, Western Australia and New Zealand.